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Your Horoscope for October

Find out if romance is written in the stars or whether a new job is on the cards with your sign star predictions for the month ahead. By Samuel F. Reynolds

Pic: Leigh-Anne Pinnock, 4th October 1991

23 sept to 23 Oct
Libra: This month’s full moon eclipse in your sign only happens every 9 years, so there’s bound to be a significant change in how you put yourself out there. This is your wake-up call, Libra! If you’ve been on the fence about a relationship or moving forward in your career, it’s time figure out where to jump next!


21 Mar to 20 Apr
Aries: Mercury retrograde in your celestial house of partnerships means that you should treat significant others with greater care. Keep in mind that the important people in your life want to feel important too. When Mars marches into Capricorn on the 26th, you’ll feel more comfortable in getting down to business and moving forward with ambitions you’ve had for awhile.

21 Apr to 21 May
Taurus: Right when you thought you had gotten your routines and schedule back in order, Mercury retrogrades on the 4th. The more you get tight about how your day is working or not working, Taurus, the more wear and tear you’ll put on yourself and your relationships, especially with loved ones. Be more spontaneous.

22 May to 21 Jun
Gemini: With your ruler Mercury spending most of the month retrograde in your Libra fifth house of pleasure, fun, and creativity, you’ll often think about what makes you happy and feel loved. A full moon eclipse on the 8th in that same zone may help to reanimate a dormant hobby and bring new people with it.

22 Jun to 22 July
Cancer: This month’s retrograde Mercury in Libra weighs your fourth house of domestic goodness and family life on his scales to see how well everyone at home is communicating. You will have to balance how you’re pushing forward with your career goals with how folks at home might feel neglected. A win-win scenario will arrive toward the end of the month.

23 July to 21 Aug
Leo: It’ll be good idea to double-check your correspondence since Mercury is retrograde for most of the month. Beyond simple typos, be sure that you’re communicating what you’d like to say with enough grace and poise worthy of your queenly sign. This month, haste truly could make waste and hurt feelings.

22 Aug to 22 Sept
Virgo: This month’s full moon eclipse along with Mercury retrograde bodes well for clearing up emotional and financial debts. Scrutinize your spending habits and clear out the things that have gone beyond their expiration date of use, need or feeling, like that bookcase from your ex that you’ve always hated but kept for practical reasons. Chile, please!

24 Oct to 21 Nov
Scorpio: The Aries full moon eclipse on the 8th could fan fears that a close connection with a loved one has become a crutch and you should break away to feel more independent. It won’t help to keep your feelings in, and you don’t have to wait until Mercury’s retrograde is over on the 25th to speak out.

22 Nov to 20 Dec
Sagittarius: The full moon eclipse on the 8th could incite a burning need to understand why people are treating each other so badly, on both personal and global scales. You may attempt to figure this out by oscillating between being very social at the top of the month to becoming more reclusive near the end of the month.

21 Dec to 20 Jan
Capricorn: The full moon eclipse on the 8th indicates that your career path upward could become more unpredictable this month. However, the detours are not tricks to derail you, but to remind you that you’re not above seeking help or support. By the time strongman Mars lands in your sign on the 26th, you’ll be able to confidently move ahead.

21 Jan to 19 Feb
Aquarius: The energy-rich full moon eclipse on the 8th is likely to inspire you to push the boundaries of how you learn and increase your expertise in coming months. It seems to arrive right on time since the new moon eclipse on the 23rd is set to take your career in fresh directions.

20 Feb to 20 Mar
Pisces: The Aries full moon eclipse in the second house of your personal resources on the 8th suggests that if you’ve been looking to start a side-hustle of your own or get a raise, options will begin to reveal themselves. On the 26th, action-oriented Mars in Capricorn brings a cavalry of help from a powerful friend for your aspirations.


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