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Pride Magazine


TOP 5 tips to get your goals:

by life coach Ryan James Lock, international business coach (ryanjameslock.com)

1 Get someone to hold you accountable to your word!
Once your initial enthusiasm wears off a good friend or coach will be able to keep your motivation fired up and offer you advice and feedback about how to get their faster!

The key to achieving something is to keep your mind focused on it at all times, even when things look like they aren’t moving, keep focused on what you want and you’ll get there.

3 Cultivate Daily Habits.
One you know what you want, you have to take a look at what sort of daily habits you need to cultivate to achieve that goal.  I always encourage my clients to make a list of the things they need to start making a habit that is in line with their goal.

4 Who to know.
Once you have decided what you want, ask yourself, “who do I need to be in order to have that?” Too often we expect things to just come to us, but Einstein himself said, “You can’t solve a problem with the same level of thinking that caused it”. Become the person who naturally has the thing you want and it’ll come into your life in no time.

5  Learn to be flexible with your goals.
Sometimes things can change unexpectedly and that’s okay. One of the things I coach my clients on is how to adapt and change to your situation whilst working towards what you want (and getting it!).
