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Pride Magazine


Black History Month: ‘Black History Inspires Business’ Event

The first annual ‘Black History Inspires Business’ event is being run by ‘Shaping Tomorrow’s Women;’ which is a female empowerment company targeted at young women between the ages of 14 – 19yrs old.

The event will run from 6th-8th October 2015 in Leyton, aimed to inspire young people to be entrepreneurial while giving them background history on some of the most successful black business men and women around the Waltham Forest Borough.

Black History month is not only a month of remembrance, but it is a month to learn, and the time to celebrate. This event will greatly benefit students through employability expert workshops, inspirational guest speakers, & a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style competition with prizes for the winning team. Prizes include vouchers, cinema tickets and holiday internships with major companies; and all students who attend will receive a goody bag!

The guest speakers will be Heather Chevannes (deputy area commercial director at HSBC), Posty (GrimeDaily CEO & Director) and Remi Ray (Founder & Creator of British Plus-Sized Fashion Weekend & Designer).

This event is one of many that is needed in our communities to help influence the younger generation in the right way so that they can become the leaders and progressional individuals of tomorrow.

To register please email: info@shapingtomorrowswomen.org
