So another singer wants to act…nothing new there. Beyonce, Ludacris and Justin Timberlake have all swapped the studio spotlights for the bright lights of Hollywood. The latest to join that list? None other than, “Jasssoooooon Deruuuuulo!”
The 21 year old singer, has announced that when he winds down from promoting and touring with his sophomore album ‘Future History’ he wants to take a break from his music career and get his Denzel on. In an interview Jason, currently at number one in the charts with ‘Don’t Wanna Go Home’ said: “Future History is my main focus right now, it’s the greatest accomplishment of my life so far. I really wanted to make sure it gets the exposure it deserves. It has to be heard by everybody. After this album, I will dive full-throttle into movies for a while. I will ultimately take a break from music.”
Clearly the singer rates his acting ability highly and let slip that he had turned down the chance to play legendary rocker Jimi Hendrix in a biopic…
Hmm…Do you think he has what it takes?