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Pride Magazine


Top 5 tips to be super successful in your career

Nail that job.
By nailing that ‘tell me about yourself’ question. Break down the corporate speak and use anecdotes to make yourself seem more human and relatable to relay your key skills. Instead of saying, ‘I’m a team player’ talk about how you took charge of the social side of your department and organised nights out, away days and the Christmas party.

Stand out.
Take ownership of projects that no one cares about – this shows your willingness to do the dirty work and will get you onside with your boss in next to no time.

Get on top of your social media.
It might be a good idea to separate your personal and professional social media. Tweet or post things that you really care about and mean something to you. It’s much better to have 100 followers who really respect what you’re saying than 10,000 who don’t.

Negotiate the pay rise you deserve.
When you schedule your meeting be totally clear with your manager about why you want to talk to them. Your transparency will be appreciated. As well as just asking for more money be prepared to line up the extra responsibilities you will take on.

Survive a firing.
There’s no question that you will feel gutted – that’s only natural. Allow yourself to wallow for 48 hours max and then get back in the saddle. List the jobs that you’d like to do and you think you’d be good at. The get applying. Now is the time to make looking for a job your new job. Get up and dressed like you would do if you were going to work and stay focused.
