Hi, what are you looking for?

Pride Magazine



Endemol are searching for women to take part in the BBC Three second series of…


Daughters… are you sick of people mistaking your mum for your sister?
Does your mum steal or copy your clothes?  Do you wish your mum would act her age and be more like a ‘proper’ mum?  Does your mum stand out for her own individual look?  Do her outfits embarrass you?  Would you like to give her a make-over?

Mums…do you look and feel great for your age?
Are you a head-turner?  Do you think your daughter needs to lighten up?  Do you wish your daughter was a bit more like you?  Would you love your daughter to change her ‘look’?  Do you have very different opinions about style?  Do you think you’re hotter than your daughter?

Would you like to give your mum / daughter a make-over?

If either of the above sounds like you, then leave your contact details and a sentence telling us a bit about yourself at:

email – hotterthanmydaughter@endemoluk.com

tel – 03335 777 773

Ask bill payers permission to call. All 03 numbers are charged at the same rate as 01 or 02 numbers, so if you have unused inclusive minutes in your phone package then a call to an 03 number is free. If you have a pay as you go mobile, or do not have inclusive calls then you will be charged at the local rate. We will use your information for the purpose of selecting contestant for the programme. We will keep your data securely and we will not pass your information on to any third parties who are not involved in the production without your consent.
