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Pride Magazine


Beyonce puts Sasha Fierce to bed

In a recent interview with The Daily Mirror Beyonce spoke on how she doesn’t feel the need to use her alter ego “Sascha Fierce” any more as she’s finding out who she is now.

Beyonce: “I don’t need Sasha so much any more because these days I know who I am. It takes time to figure out who you are and I am still discovering different things about myself – as I am exposed to different experiences I think, “Oh, I like this, I didn’t know I liked this.” That’s the journey of life that is so exciting. More and more I know who I am, I know what I like, I know what I want and that makes me feel so free. I don’t need to hide any more.”

At present the single ladies singer is on a break (whatever a break is when you’re still doing interviews) but she also spoke on balancing her life as an singer, designer and actress

Beyonce: “For me, balance is always really hard to find. I love so many different things, and to have the discipline to turn certain things away and focus on one thing at a time so that I can give it 100 per cent is really hard.
‘Probably the biggest challenge in my life is time – making sure I have time to be a wife, to be a singer, to be a songwriter, to be an actor and still have time for my clothing line and now for my perfume. I am like any other woman who has a child, who has a husband, who has a job. I think it’s the hardest thing about being a woman because we have so many responsibilities.
