If you could go back in time and give your younger self some words of advice for the future, what would you say? Though we don’t have a time machine here at Pride, we do have the power of imagination – and presenter Talisha ‘Tee Cee’ Johnson has used hers to tell her younger self not to hate her dark skin, and that everything will work out to be better than she imagined…
Dear Younger Self,
I write this letter to you with tears in my eyes because I want you to see the beautiful flower you will blossom into, the diamond you will sparkle like and the influence you will bring to the world.
Remember when Mum said not to worry about those people who seem to get all the attention in school now, and that in 10 years time the roles will reverse? Remember how ridiculous you thought Mum was for saying this and that she was probably only saying it because she was Mum and she had to…Well turns out, she is RIGHT!
I need you to understand that it’s truly okay to love yourself for who you are. The same dark skin complexion that your older cousins tease you about; that your peers segregate you for; the reason that cruel schoolboy shouted out the top of the bus that you were UGLY (making you run all the way home); the reason you feel anxious every time you walk into a room; the reason you are so highly sensitive and cry yourself to sleep most nights, or why don’t want to go to school, avoid crowds, and purposefully dress down not to stand out… This same dark skin complexion will be your TESTIMONY.
In fact, all of your insecurities will be the very same reason people will be drawn to you; your skin complexion, your tall height, your dress sense and style will transform pretty dramatically, and your Brummie accent will make you distinguished and memorable in your career. People will like you just for being YOU. It will be the reason young girls like you now will be inspired by you and know that they too can be a BBC TV Presenter, TV and digital content creators, career coaches, authors, business owners and role models for the next generation. You, yes YOU, are going to be a game-changer, a trailblazer and a trendsetter. They will call you the one and only ‘Not Your Average Girl’ because not only will they not be able to work you out, but your uniqueness, individuality and your light will be unmatchable and incomparable.

Life won’t get any easier but you will become resilient and have the self-confidence that will help you beat the odds and triumph over adversities. Will there be more people that don’t like you? Absolutely – but it won’t bother you as much. Remember that day Dad picked you up from school? You were five, and a parent complained to him that you were being horrible to their child. When you got in the car, Dad calmly asked why you were being unkind and you said, ‘Because no one would play with me.’ Dad replied with a statement that sticks with you for life: ‘You can’t force people to play with you.’ He is right… you can’t force it, but let me assure you there will be plenty of people in your future who only wish they could play with you and be your friend.
The funniest thing is… Your biggest friend will be YOU! You will actually like yourself one day and enjoy your own company so much that having friends will be a bonus, not a need. You will be unstoppable, even when people doubt you, tell you no and reject you, you will slay in your lane and march to the beat of your own drum because you will know who you are, your purpose and your priceless worth.
Tee Cee.
Talisha ‘Tee Cee’ Johnson’s book, Snow Black, The Seven Rastas and Other Short Stories, is out now.