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Pride Magazine


Ashley Cole hires guard to keep him in check

Looks like serial love rat, Ashley Cole is bringing out the big guns in order to save his already strained relationship with ex-wife Cheryl. The Chelsea and England star has reportedly hired an SAS guard for the small fee of £1,000 a day to keep him on the straight and narrow and out of trouble after it emerged that he’d had an affair just days before he and Cheryl apparently agreed to work things out.

The SAS guard isn’t just for the benefit of unsuspecting female club goers/ air hostesses/ hairdressers (delete as appropriate) but for poor old Ashley himself. Such is his allure, that he finds himself the victim of predatory women who just want to cash in on his fame and exploit his status as one of the country’s most (in)famous sports stars.

Let’s hope the guard will also be keeping a close eye on Ashley’s mobile phone…
