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Pride Magazine


Get your pins out with confidence this summer. By Shevelle Rhule   Fuzz Off  The first step in the quest for leg beauty is...


Pride chats to… Fashion designer for Deacurves, LINDA IDEGWU What inspired you to create Dearcurves? Growing up my mother worked as a fashion designer...


Bernadine Evaristo and Margaret Atwood jointly won the Booker Prize in October – but some are disappointed in a Black woman having to share her much-deserved award  Being...


The Cuban singer speaks about keeping Santería traditions alive in her music and being comfortable in her own skin  Daymé Arocena is really sorry to have missed my call.   When...


For Black History Month 2019, we’ve selected 31 figures for celebration on each day of the month – check out these icons! 1st  October:...