Golden Globe winner Idris Elba and Academy Award nominee Taraji. P. Henderson keep us on the edge of our seats in this tense psychological thriller, directed by Sam Miller.
Taraji plays Terri, a former lawyer, wife and mother of two, who agrees to help Colin (Idris), a charming stranger that turns up on her doorstep complaining of car trouble. Things quickly escalate as it becomes clear that Colin’s intentions are not as innocent as they seem and Terri finds herself fighting for herself and the survival of her family.
If you love anything fast-paced, suspenseful and thrilling, this movie will not let you down. Taraji gives an excellent performance as the strong and determined Terri, and Idris is almost too believable in his role as the suave, yet conniving villain. A movie full of twists that will undoubtedly give you chills.
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No Good Deed is out now on DVD.