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Pride Magazine


Heart Break Drake

The rapper/singer is known for wearing his heart on his sleeve, and woo’ing the ladies with his soppy slow jams, as we can hear in his track ‘Find your love’ . Drake has sang about many unknown exes but little did we know, our very own Rihanna has been the muse for some of these heart felt songs.

The Canadian born rapper, and former actor from Degrassi High, openly admitted that Rihanna was the first female celebrity that paid him any attention and that he is still getting over her. When asked about getting hurt about Rihanna in a recent interview, Drake responded..

“At the time it hurt, but she didn’t mean to. I’ll never put that on her. I was hurt because I slowly started to realize what it was. I guess I thought it was more. That was the first girl with any fame that paid me any mind. You spend days reading about this person in magazines. All of a sudden you have this number-one song and you’re at some birthday party and there she is. And you’re just some naive kid from Toronto staying in some shitty-ass hotel who got invited to this party on a whim. That’s just how it happened.”

Following another interview with MTV, Drake said is isn’t ashamed of singing about his emotions,and if he was worried about how he’s going to look, he wouldn’t have continued to make the music that he does, he wants to be remembered that way.

Drake also known as Drizzy clearly is not affected by the Rihanna jokes as he states..

The running commentary or the jokes don’t really affect me, cause that’s what I’m going for. I don’t want to be a guy that blends in with all the other generic rap music. I want to be the guy that stood out and pinpointed life emotions for women, men, young people, old people or whatever it is. So I don’t trip, that’s what I want. I welcome it.

Drake, who is now working on his new album ‘ Take care’ mentioned that he is a “one woman kind of guy” when asked if he’d ever have a threesome.

It is safe to say Aww! Drake is a sweet boy and we hope he finds his love soon.

