Welcome to April, people – and this month, we have one message for you: Look after your body! Rest it when it’s tired, fuel it with the things it needs, and be as kind to it as you can. This ‘Good Body’ issue is not just about looking after ourselves on the outside but also on the inside. And one of the best ways we can do this is to keep up to date with essential health checks like cervical screening.
Cervical screening is a test to check the health of the cells of the cervix and can help stop cervical cancer before it starts. However, the numbers attending their screening appointments is falling and this is putting women at risk. We need to start talking more about cervical screening so that women feel more comfortable about the test and are encouraged to go. So we’ve asked some of the people who’ve worked on this issue to share their own experiences…
Zaynah Sanusi – Editorial intern

‘I haven’t had my cervical screening yet as I am still under the age of 25 but as soon as I get my invitation letter I’ll book an appointment straight away. I’ll always be glad to know what’s up with my body, especially when it comes to that area. It’s an important test and could save your life!’
Precious Muir – Contributor, Letter to My Younger Self

‘For my first screening, I did overthink it but in reality it’s not bad – slightly uncomfortable at first, but the best thing is to just relax and it’s over before you know it. This way you are staying on track with what’s going on in your body and by going, it’ll give you peace of mind. I’d encourage everyone to book their screening appointment as soon as they get their invitation letter.’
Trina Nicole – Contributor, Founder of The Curve Catwalk

‘When I had my first cervical screening boy, was I nervous! I didn’t know what to expect, as I’d never heard anyone talk about the experience before. But my nurse was very reassuring and she made me feel as comfortable as possible. Don’t forget that you are fully in control of your test and can ask for it to be stopped at any point, just talk to your nurse and you’ll find you’ll be put at ease.’
Shevelle Rhule – Fashion and Beauty Editor

‘I’ve had a couple of cervical screening tests, and it isn’t that bad. I understand that people have their fears, but in all honesty it’s over before you know it. As I write this, I’ve got my invitation letter and am already planning on booking my next screening appointment.’
Nicole Vassell – Entertainment and Features Editor

‘I had my first screening in 2017 and though I was a little nervous it was not as bad as I thought it would be at all. It wasn’t the most comfortable five minutes of my life, but the sense of satisfaction I had after, knowing that it was a great thing I could do for my health felt really good. I would encourage all eligible women to go and not put it off!’