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Pride Magazine


Jessica White: I got the power!

It seems Sports Illustrated model Jessica White has tapped into her power as a woman and decided to pledge a vow of celibacy. In a very candid interview she discussed how stopping to engage sexually minimises the risk of being disappointed in relationships.

Jessica’s decision- based on a hope to find a love that matches God’s own love for her, has made White realise benefits of withholding sex: “I’m not saying I’m always going to be celibate, I’m just saying that until there is someone that is worthy of my love and a reflection of the way God loves me then I’m not doing it.”

She wants women to understand that sometimes we physically connect too soon which minimises our rational thinking as the emotional side of our brains take control. “Make the man wait and if he’s worth it then he will wait for you. There’s no greater power in the world than that of a woman’s…(you get the drift)”

Do you agree with Jessica?


