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Pride Magazine


Kanye West to launch women’s line

Rapper, producer and style icon Kanye West has turned his hand to designing. While we’re usually dismissive of celebrities who feel qualified to dictate to the masses what they should or shouldn’t wear, we can’t help but admit we’re excited to see what Kanye comes up with. Let’s face it he’s clearly dedicated, having worn a blouse of two in his time. The rapper has teamed up with British designer Louise Goldin (yep, she of spiky-shoe fame) and the line will debut at this year’s Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New York.

This is not Mr West’s first foray to into the fashion world. His line Pastelle never really got off the ground but Central Saint Martin’s Professor, Louise Wilson urges us to watch this space: “I have known Kanye for about two years. He is very knowledgeable about fashion and he has an individual point of view. I think we can expect a well-considered collection and i warn against dismissing it in haste. There are those who might assume Louise will be doing all the work and Kanye is just the face, I don’t believe this will be the case – he researches thoroughly and is hands on and committed to his work.”
