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Pride Magazine


Keri Hilson apologises for Amy Winehouse tweet

R&B singer Keri Hilson has apologised after tweeting a picture of herself with a lookalike of the deceased star alongside the caption “*gasp* Amy Winehouse resurrected to party w/ me!!! (seriously, uncanny resemblance).”

Though the singer has said she meant no harm or disrespect, it goes without saying that her tweet was poorly timed and ill-judged. Scores of fans of Amy Winehouse, who passed away last Saturday, were up in arms about the tweet and several attacked Miss Hilson on Twitter directly. After being blasted about the offending tweet, she replied: “Come on, I mean no harm. All due respect but really the resemblance freaked me out. This was simply the best tribute ever. #RIPAMYWINEHOUSE.”

While we accept that Keri probably didn’t mean anything by it and made a grave error in judgement, this just goes to show how much social networking has infiltrated society. Rather than keep the news to herself or at worst, text a friend, she chose to share the news with millions, simply because the done thing these days is to do as much.
