What would you tell your younger self if you had the chance? Would you warn her about love interests to stay away from, or to give a second chance? Would you tell her to focus harder at school? Or would you simply reassure her that everything will pan out okay, no matter how she’s feeling at the time? Teaching assistant Rhianne Blake Saddler sends a message of perseverance and focus to her younger self
Dear little Rhianne,
When I look back at our time growing up, there so many childhood memories that come flooding back. But something I want to tell you first is this: being the youngest of the family, you have so many opportunities to learn from what your siblings and the elders around you are doing – and it can open your mind, and lead you to the vast amount of possibilities in the world if you only put in the time and effort to achieve. However, the principle of time is unapologetic, and despite how comforting it can be to say, ‘I’ll do that later’, time does not wait. Why waste the moment that you have now to make so great? Grasp every moment and use it wisely – your youth enables the process of learning, information gathering and ultimately knowledge retaining. Education may seem like a strenuous task, yet knowledge is power. Time is precious, and you won’t get this particular moment again.
Now, on to friendships – where do I begin? They say that having a prominent group of friends around us through the good times and the bad times is a staple of growing up, but do not be dependent on that. Draw from those knowledgeable and wise and from those that have your best interests at heart. There will be so many who claim to be loyal: yet when it really counts, will they be there? I know friends are important to you, but from what we know now, I don’t want this to be the core of who you are. Yes: maintaining friendships is essential for keeping a healthy balance in life, but you must be careful with who you entrust with your truth. Embrace who you are, love yourself and never succumb to the influential pressures that society and friends may bestow upon you. Still, long-valued and much-cherished friendships will come in various times in your life, and you can unveil treasure in the relationships built. Even those that you may not see that often; when you do, that’s when the real fun begins!

Thinking of you sitting there at school, I know you could never imagine the great things you will go onto achieve. Yet, with the acquisition of accomplishments, you must constantly endeavour if you want to succeed. You will be challenged which will be tough but you possess the tools necessary to follow anything you put your mind to through to completion. With the colossal combination of DPP – also known as Dedication, Passion and Perseverance – the idea of ‘work’ is no longer the same, as it is merely you doing something that you enjoy.
Never believe that having to work is the end. The days as a young girl you sat there writing your stories finding joy in the escape of your imagination is where you rendered your creative passion and that’s when it began to flourish. Stay true to what makes you the person you are. In time the universe will reveal your path and with gratitude will it follow through.
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