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Pride Magazine


Libya uprising continues

Libyans have taken to the streets in jubilation as Colonel Gaddafi’s 42 year reign of tyranny seems to be finally coming to an end following a six-month long uprising that started earlier this year in February.

After NATO’s implementation of a no-fly zone , air strikes and the organisation of a civilian army, rebel forces advanced on Tripoli this past weekend and seized control of the city from Gaddafi’s iron grip. Gaddafi made it clear that he would not go quietly, pledging “matrydom or victory.” He appeared on national television to declare that he would never abandon Tripoli and incited his loyal followers to fight and kill every traitor who threatened his regime.

Dramatic scenes followed on Sunday, when rebel forces took control of Gaddafi’s Bab al-Azizia compound, destroying the building, kicking the head of a bust of the leader and even seizing personal items from the building.  Though at this point forces control the compound, Gaddafi’s whereabouts still remain a mystery.

