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Pride Magazine


Nigeria: An emerging African nation

These were the words that British Prime Minister David Cameron used to describe the country during a recent visit. In a big boost for the morale and outside perception of the country, the British PM praised Nigeria on many fronts- singling out in particular its economic growth and the country’s increasing entrepreneurial spirit.

Speaking at an event he said, “Tell me this: which part of the world has seen its number of democracies increase nearly eight-fold in just two decades? Eastern Europe? No, it’s Africa. Which continent has six of the ten fastest growing economies in the world? Asia? No, it’s Africa. Which country is predicted by some to have the highest average GDP growth in the world over the next 40 years? You might think Brazil, Russia, India or China. No. Think Africa. Think Nigeria.”

His statements echo the findings of a recent report by US bank Morgan Stanley that predict that Nigeria’s economy is set to overtake South Africa’s by 2025. With its crude oil output set to grow, the International Monetary Fund have said the country’s economy is to reach $400 billion by 2016.

At the event, David Cameron made it clear that he is keen to have a relationship with the country and strengthen its ties to Britain; his talks with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, gave a general outline of ways Britain will work with Nigeria in the future.
