Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Choir feature in a special recording of the classic winter song, ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’ to support the national Stay Well This Winter Campaign. The chart-topping group star in the NHS film, offering advice that could make a difference to the nation’s health this season
The Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Choir, who gained the prestigious Christmas Number One spot from Justin Bieber last year, have lent their support to the latest NHS Stay Well This Winter campaign. The choir star in a Stay Well This Winter awareness film alongside their re-recording of the suitably apt, Baby It’s Cold Outside.
As the choir members, all of whom are NHS staff, perform the song, we are reminded of the simple yet effective measures that people can take this winter to avoid the grave consequences of not looking after ourselves and the health of the vulnerable.
More people die over the course of each winter compared to other times of the year and there are a range of conditions worsened by the cold weather – 80 per cent of these deaths are accounted for by people with circulatory diseases (such as heart disease, lung illnesses and stroke), dementia and respiratory diseases (such as asthma).
People most at risk from cold weather, include those with long-term health conditions such as bronchitis, emphysema; diabetes; heart, kidney, liver disease and stroke suffers. Flu on top of health conditions like these can easily develop into something very serious and you could end up in hospital. People with these and other long-term health conditions and the over 65’s are eligible for a free flu jab through their GP or pharmacist.
To find out more about the Stay Well This Winter campaign please visit: nhs.uk/staywell