Yesterday, President Barack Obama gave his final address as the President of The United States. His final presidential address was held in his hometown of Chicago. With his family front and centre, McCormick Place was packed with supporters including politicians, celebrities and American citizens.
He started by thanking everyone for all the well wishes they’ve received over the last few weeks. As he spoke you could really see his deep gratitude for the privilege to serve. His speech was one of hope, definitely worth watching. He stressed the importance of true democracy, and it’s importance for the government to serve all Americans.
Throughout his speech he reflected on his journey and achievements. He reminded Americans that it’s down to everyone to create a better future. That the country wins when the laws benefit all Americans despite their race, gender, class and that diversity is part of what makes America great. He reiterated that change- like that which he ran his campaign on, 8 years ago- doesn’t just come from laws but from change in people’s hearts.
Later he thanked his vice president and friend Joe Biden, ‘you were the first decision I made as a nominee, and it was the best’. Then to his daughters Malia and Sasha ‘you have become two amazing young women’ and to Michelle ‘you have been my best friend’ and now ‘a new generation sets its sights higher because it has you as a role model.’
It was an emotional night for the audience and the first family, and you could see that he’ll truly be missed.
You can watch the full speech here
By Ike Denloye