Its That time of the week again! There always comes a time when a Celeb bowls us over with the fabulosity of their natural barnet! Who said that natural hair is boring? Pride thinks whether you have kinky, coily or curly hair, we aim to fly the flag high for all the Naturlista’s! So in celebration of ‘Women Crush Wednesday’ aka #WCW, we have picked out this weeks favourite natural hair celebrities along with their best ‘Natural Hair Moments’ to keep you inspired and see who’s barnet you like best! We are proud to announce that Janelle Monae Won last weeks vote, Who will win your vote this week?
The Modern ‘Fro – Yaya Dacosta
Yaya hair looks effortless! Sometimes her hair is pinned up, sometimes its blown out and other times its just left out and styled with a parting! But whatever Yaya does with her hair, we love! This Actress/Model gives a modern twist to the classic Afro and is always changing it up to show how versatile natural hair can be! Perfection!
The Perfect Twist-out – Corrine Bailey Rae
Corrine bailey Rae is one of our ultimate ‘twist-out’ crushes! Unlike many of us, this singer seems like she has no ‘Trouble sleeping’ when it comes to her hair looking amazing in the morning! Its impossible to pick whether we preferred her rocking her perfect cropped twist out or her full mane. Never the less, in our eyes she can do no wrong!
The undisputed locs – Ledisi Anibade Young
We have followed Ledisi’s hair journey and we love how long and full her locs have become. But the real secret to this singers luscious locs is a bit of aloe vera and just letting her hair ‘be free’. Her hair is her accessory and we admire her courage to play with different colours and how she brings a feminine twist to locs! We can’t wait to see what else she pulls out of the bag!
Which Naturalista is your fav’? Vote Below!
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