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Pride Magazine


Will & Jada NOT splitting up!

Yesterday, the rumours that one of Hollywood’s most high-profile couples had separated sent shock waves through the celebrity landscape. Reports started swirling early yesterday that actor Will Smith and his wife of 13 years, Jada Pinkett were set to file for divorce amidst rumours of infidelity on Smith’s part. No confirmation was given by the couple’s representation leading many to believe that the news was indeed true.

Celebrities and fans alike were disheartened that one of the world’s foremost black couples- a couple seen as a template for many, had split, particularly in light of recent magazine spreads giving intimate glimpses into their home life and offering tips on how they had managed to sustain their marriage.

Late yesterday evening however, Will and Jada issued a joint public statement clearly dismissing all speculation about the state of their marriage. They said: “Although we are reluctant to respond to these types of reports, the rumours about our relationship are completely false. We are still together, and our marriage is intact.”

The couple have three children, Jaden and Willow and Will’s son Trey from a previous relationship.
